
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Capturing Chris 4

Its fall! And I’ve been thinking, the chill in the air calls for something…hot and warm and tingly.  I hope this does it.  Also, I know you’ve been waiting…and so have I.  Its all a process, so I’m very sorry when these updates don’t come quickly. But I do hope you enjoy it enough to stick around.  MineMuse, himself, has been verra verra busy. So I haven't actually had the contact with him I needed to channel this story.  I finally got a brief moment to chat with him this past week and well... as you can was lucrative.  As always, please forgive the editing faux pas,  this story is presented exactly as if flew from my fingers.

Chris leaned against the bedroom door and listened with a smile as Agnes grumbled and made  her way to the bathroom.  Looking down into the three set of canine eyes staring back at him he chuckled.
“Aye, boys. Aggie is feeling a bit grouchy, but we’ll fix that, right?  Let’s go you mongrels, out of the door so I can get our lady something to ease her head and then spring the plan on her.”  Chris shepherded the dogs out into the back yard and went about making breakfast. The entire time his mind drifting back to the way Agnes looked curled in his sheets and even more so the way she curved her body around his when he sat on the edge the bed and rested his cool hand against her forehead.
He’d only meant to rouse her and insure that her head injury wasn’t more serious, but the trusting way she’d nestled against him and pressed her face into his hand caused him to pause and really take her in.
Agnes held her own special brand of attractiveness.  She was short and full of curves that Chris more than appreciated, when the sheet and slid down a bit and revealed the swell of her breast he caught his breath as he watched it rise softly and the fall again.  He couldn’t say how long he sat there staring, transfixed by the rhythm of her slumbering breath, but he knew that he’d watched in longing, praying that the sheet would slip lower and reveal her satin covered nipple.  His mouth had watered and he’d forced himself to stand and walk over to the large wingback  chair under the window and take up the rock glass of whiskey he’d abandoned there when he entered the room. He sat, slouched low with knees splayed to give his stirring member room and watched her, hungrily for hours while she slept.

The sound of the bedroom door opening brought him back to the present, and reminded him that if he were going to proposition the lovely Miss Agnes, he’d do well to present her with a feast to ease the way.
Washing his hand at the sink he turned his attention to finishing preparing the meal he’d began before he’d heard her stirring before.

Agnes found chris in the kitchen, still shirtless and barefoot, humming softly to himself while flipping pancakes over a griddle.  She wasn’t sure what made her mouth water more, the tantalizing smells of bacon and coffee that filled the room  or the sight of his finely honed muscles.

She jumped slightly when he looked over his shoulder at her and smiled.  With a tilt of his head he said “ pull up a seat” before sliding a plate filled with food towards her on the island counter.
Anges sat and stared at the plate, waiting until Chris had filled one for himself and then  joined her, before placing her hand on the table palm upwards.   Her breath caught when he quickly placed his hand in hears and his deep voice offerd up a soft prayer of thanks. With a slight squeeze and a lingering of fingers the “amened” and dug in

“ SO what do you want, Christopher” Agnes said between bites of jam and butter slatherd toast and sips of hot coffee.

“why should I want anything. I could just be feeding you because you know, I felt bad that you walked into a two by four and knocked yourself out in my back yard.”

“ a point of fact, Chris, I didn’t walk into that two by four, you hit me with it. A second point of fact, we’ve been neighbors for several years and friends for the entirety of that time, when you want something outrageous, you feed me. So, what do you want AND where are my clothes.”

Agnes, sat her coffee mug on the counter and tried hard to adopt a no nonsense look.  She let her eyes drift briefly to Chris’ face taking in the pale ginger scruff on his jaw. He hadn’t shaved when he’d been in the shower earlier. Her breath hitched a moment when he licked a bread crumb from his lip. She brought her eyes back to his and had to fight not to look away when she realized he’d been watching her watch him.

“you Agnes,”

Agnes Blinked a couple of times and the shook her head. Really, she must have honestly knocked something loose.

“Come again”
The question came out like a breathless squeak and a flush rushed up her skin.

“you asked what I wanted, I answered.  We’ve been friends for ever. For as long as we’ve been neighbors. And that whole time I’ve wanted the same thing Aggie.  You.  In my arms, in my bed, on this kitchen counter.  I want you…not just as my friend who lives next door and fosters my dogs when I’m away.
I want you on long walks and holiday gatherings and trips to Ireland to see my ma and da.  I want you across the table when I eat and with your legs wrapped around my head screaming your pleasure when …I…eat.”

The passion in Chris’ voice stole robbed her of the ability to the think. He didn’t move, didn’t slow his ministrations as he finished he breakfast, he just …monologued her…and damned if her thighs weren’t soaked with the evidence of how much that declaration turned her on.

“eat your breakfast aingel” Chris’ voice deepened into his native brogue as he nodded to ward her plate of unfinished food. “your going to need all your strength.”

Agnes, still shocked, could do nothing more than lift her fork in her hand, but she’d be damned if she could actually place a bite of food in her mouth.

“chris…” she said on a determined sigh her gaze meeting his again.
She couldn’t process …anything… out of the blue her friend had just admitted that he wanted all the things she’d wanted and had wanted them for the same amount of time that she had.  She had questions and doubts and…
 “I have questions.”  She stated sharply.

Chris chuckled. “and I have answers, but for now….eat.” He squeezed her hand before getting up to put his plate in the sink and pour her another cup of coffee.