
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Capturing Chris 3

The sounds of water running and snoring brought Agnes awake. And as soon as her brain registered that wakeful state, a bass drum started thumping within.

Breathing deeply and slowly to offset the pain, Agnes cracked one eye…and was meet with the slurping of a tongue that that covered her entire face.

Turning her head to the side she rubbed her face against the pillows and willed herself not to panic. 
“What hit me?”
She groaned grasping her head. She would have attempted to sit up but a very large very heavy muzzle was resting on her chest pinning her down and blowing hot doggie breath in her face.

In her mind Agnes tried to replay the last things she could remember. Walking home, taking a short cut through Chris’s yard. Then lights out.

Opening one eye confirmed her suspicions. The beast resting on her was Chris’ great dane bull mastiff mix Scooby. With both eyes open she stared into his one giant sad eye and sighed.

“Ok, Scoobs… move”
When the dog whimpered but made no attempt to stop using her breast as a pillow, Agnes sighed deeply, then wished she hadn’t.

“Scooby, come on bud, I can’t breathe here” She struggled.  With energy she didn’t have, she struggled to scoot up on the bed. Scooby however remained seated and thus his head was now in her lap.

Shaking her head slowly and clutching the sheet to her breast, Agnes acknowledged the two beast standing guard at the foot of the bed.
Ruff (a Caucasian Shepherd) and  Marmaduke ( an Italian Cane Corso)  eyed her over the top of the massive foot board and she knew instinctively that they were standing , waiting for her to give permission to join her .

Which she might have done if she weren’t still trying to a) dislodge scooby’s face from its positions dangerously close to her crotch and b) figure out where the hell her clothes were.

“Ok boys, how about you go play while I find my clothes.   Shoo, ummm roll over … play dead… MOVE.”  

Neither dog budged.

The sound of the water running that she’d recognized earlier was playing havoc on her bladder and the pain in her head was starting to increase.
 A quick peek under the blanket revealed that she’d only been stripped down to her underwear. If she could just dislodge the massive great dane ( which was proving impossible because he’d decided she was moving too much and had slowly started inching his massive body over her lap on the bed)  she could make a break for the bathroom she knew was across the hall.

Thinking quickly Agnes gave another series of commands none of them spurred the dogs to move.
Groaning she leaned her head back against the tufted head board and tried to think of things to take her mind off the pressing need to pee.

Comfortable, well as comfortable as one could be under the weight of a nearly 200 lb great dane, Agnes closed her eyes and focused on the sound of the dogs’ heavy breathing and the whir of the ceiling fan. It wasn’t long before she began to drift back to sleep. But in those few seconds before darkness could take hold the should of water running shut off and the door where she’d thought was a closet opened. At the soft click she opened her eyes and lost her breath.
The sight of Chris standing, dressed only in a pair of baggy shorts with a towel draped over his shoulders caused her heart to sputter. The rapid beating of her heart kicked that bass drum n her head into over drive and Agnes moaned in both lust and pain.

In moments, Chris crossed the room and sat on the opposite side of the bed.

“Are you ok?”

“Can’t feel my legs”

“What, why can’t you feel your legs”
Agnes would have laughed at the harried look on Chris’s face, but laughing would probably cause her to pee right there in his sumptuous bed.

“Because your dog is cutting off the circulation”

Chris’ strawberry blonde eye brows leapt up his face and his arctic gaze widened.

A glance down  at Scooby, who had now fully worked himself onto the bed and was laying with his body running from her feet to her waist, essentially trapping, his new favorite “toy” in place, had him laughing.

“Ok, Scooby, you’ve done your job, You can let her up now.”  Chris spoke to the hound.  Scooby however ignored his master and let out a deep sigh before snuggling deeper and forcing himself between Agnes’ legs.
“Yeah, I already tried that.  What did you do tell them to guard or something.”

“Actually, yeah.”  Chris said…a bit of laughter still present in his voice.

“Wow, really, did you think I was going to wake up and attack you in the shower?”  Agnes asked opening her eyes again and petting Scooby, slightly scratching behind one big ear and receiving what could only be classified as a doggy grin for her efforts.  Marmaduke and Ruff leaned further over the foot board as if they were about to climb in the bed and demand she pet them too.
“One could only dream” Chris whispered. The sound was so low Agnes nearly missed it.

“Well, as lovely as this little moment has been. I really can’t feel my legs” She spoke choosing to pretend she hadn’t heard his declaration.
“And before we get buried under 400 additional pounds of k-9, I really have to pee.”

Chris cocked his head to the side and studied her face for a moment. Then standing he walked to the door and spoke firmly but quietly to the dogs. All three whimpered as if to say “oh man, dad, you never let us have any fun” and filed out of the room.

“What did you say to make them move? I don’t even know what language that was.”

“I told them to release my woman and go play.  In Irish.” Chris stated calmly. Agnes swallowed so hard that she was sure the gulp was audible.  Chris never released her gaze.

“Go to the bathroom, Agnes…I’m going to walk the dogs and we’ll talk when I return.”
He gave her one final look over his shoulder then followed the dogs from the room and closed the door behind.

Agnes wasn’t sure how long she sat staring at the door, stunned. When she stood to make her way to the bathroom she began to grouse “Go to the bathroom, Agnes. We’ll talk later. What does that even mean? Who is he to tell me what to do like I’m one of those dogs? I’m going to the bathroom, but only because I have to pee, and then I’m going home. I obviously hit my head WAY to hard.”

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Capturing Chris 2

Chris cursed as he tossed the length of wood he'd been carrying over his shoulder to the ground. A few brief strides brought him to his neighbor’s side. He crouched down to where she'd fallen after being hit in the head with the offending piece of lumber.   A quick glance and a cursory check with his fingers over her bald head told him there was no bleeding but she was going to have a pair of matching goose eggs, and a hell of a head ache.

She'd taken him totally by surprise when she'd stepped through that gate. One that he often times himself forgot.  It had been a long time since anyone used it. In fact Agnes was the only person who used it and only on the rare occasions that she was walking through the neighborhood and wanted to avoid their crotchety neighbor and his vicious lab rat of a dog.

In the dog days of summer, she hadn't been walking as much.  In fact she hadn't taken a short cut through his yard since... the night he'd been standing under the stars naked.

On a sigh Chris quickly lifted her and made quick work of carrying her into his house. It was too hot to be in the sunshine and she looked as if she'd had more than her fair share of the heat.

Once he was sure she was o.k., he'd walk her home.
Chris took the steps up leading up to the back deck quickly pushed open the sliding glass door that lead into the eat in kitchen.   The moment his foot hit the tiles three, four legged, behemoths raced to his side. Tales wagging and ears perked in curiosity.
"Move boys, I'll let you check on your friend later, but first we have to make sure she is o.k."

He led the way to his bedroom feeling as if he were the grand-master leading a parade, the dogs following behind him in single file.

Despite his worry a small smile tickled his face as Agnes stirred and snuggled her face more deeply into chest.  The scent of her perfume and sweat wafted up to him when she moved.  Again he noted that her body felt overly warm in his arms.  Cooling her off and making sure that she'd no damage for the heat or being knocked unconscious were his first priorities.  

In his room he gently placed her on the high, plush bed.  He paused a moment to take her in. His sister had joked that he had purchased a princess bed, but Chris believed in comfort. His job in the military often put him in places were the only place to rest his head was scorching sand.  When he was home he wanted to be able to snuggle into the softness of her arms...  "Where did that come from” Chris spoke to himself at the thought. He'd meant he wanted to be able to snuggle into.... another glance at his charge and he knew is mind had be right.  Sure the soft blankets and pillows of his bed were comfortable and inviting, but nothing on earth could be as soft and giving and being wrapped in the curves of his short neighbor. 

She'd once called him tall, but he wasn't really, not by normal standards...she was just a bit on the short side.  And packed with curves that facinated him, from her high cheek bones and cupids bow of a mouth to her large eyes and the shells of her ears.
Chris took Agnes in;  she looked so small, yet so womanly on. Her Dark brown skin stood out in relief against he cream colored sheets. 

Suddenly she sighed and rolled over away from him, rubbing her cheek against his pillow before settling comfortable into sleep. He knew he should wake her, make sure that she didn't have a concussion, but the sight of her tucked into his bed looking so dangerously innocent and so seductively sweet stalled him. His eyes settled on the plump curve of her her as. Watching as the muscles flexed adn relaxed  while she kicked off her shoes and settled herself even more comfortably on to the bed.

"Agnes" he whispered her name while leaning closely in.  "Agnes, do you hurt anywhere?"

She nodded her head never opening her eyes.

"Tell me where it hurts."

Agnes moaned and a lifted a hand to her temple. 
"Your head hurts?"
Another deep sigh and a slight nod

"Anything else?"

Agnes rolled over and whispered “feet hurt” but never opened her eyes.   Chris could tell that she was talking through both pain and the dregs of exhaustion.

"Ok love, one more thing and I’ll let you rest. Can you open your eyes for me Agnes?"

A frown puckered her brow but she did as he asked. She opened her eyes and Chris was struck with clear and bright the brown pools were.

"Agnes, do you know where you are?"

"Your house."

"Do you know who I am?"


"Can you tell me, what happened?"


"What hurts, Agnes?"

Chris watched as she seemed to contemplate his question. Slowly, she lifted her hand and placed it over her heart, then closed her eyes and drifted back to sleep.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Capturing Chris

Well, I know you’ve been waiting on me to tease you all again for a while now. A funny thing happened.  Ok, its not really funny. It sort of made me cry. After my last conversation with the muse, I typed up about a thousand words.  This was going to be one steamy  lil something something.  And then it happened. My laptop had a complete meltdown. It was an epic combination of ghosts in the machine and user errors.  Things just malfunctioned. I highlighted the text on a note pad and instead of copying them , I cut them.  Then when I finally recovered them the system crashed. It took hours to get it restarted, and wouldn’t you know it those thousand words plus 15k of another storey WHERE GONE, (despite the fact that I’d been copying everything into an email , I had yet to hit SEND) .  I feel in to a funk. A complete depression.  No lie. I was already sick and this…was just the germ that laughed in the face of all modern medicine. I cried. I puked. I prayed. I begged and finally, I gave up and went to bed.

Since then I’ve made some epic decisions about where I’m going as a writer.  What I want to do in the future.   And today I’m feeling a lot better and a little more confident in my choices.  So I give you… Chris….well ok we all know I’m not giving you “CHRIS” but you know this completely random and unedited manifestation of MineMuse… or at least the beginning of it.

Catching Chris......
Agnes wiped the sweat from her brow as she tried desperately to think of something other than the heat.  For at least the fifteenth time in ten minutes, she cursed her own stupidity. How could she have left the lights on in her car when she'd parked it at the train station?  How could she have forgotten to charge her cell phone that morning during the entire 8 hours she'd been at work? Why hadn't she taken advantage or the "casual holiday" and worn trainers instead of these office appropriate pointed toe kitten heels that while beyond admirable in the air-conditioned space of her desk, were going to leave serious blisters from where her feet were sliding around in the twin patent leather swamps.

"In the trash.  As soon as I get home, these shoes are going in the trash"

Agnes would have wrinkled her nose at the thought of how horrible those shoes were going to smell, and what a shame that would be after the small fortune she'd spent on their red tipped leopard print cuteness, but she just happened to walk up on an entire tree laying across the side walk. 

In all honesty Agnes knew it wasn't a whole tree, but a significant portion of a tree.

Taking a moment Agnes weighed her options.  She was only two houses from home, climbing over the tree in her skinny jeans and kitten heels was obviously the quickest shortest route home, However after hiking three miles from the train in the sweltering heat and humidity, there was no way she was going to lift her "lush" (Agnes really was starting to like the word lush as descriptor for her more than generous curves) thighs over that tree.

That meant she had to go around.  If she headed toward the street she'd actually have to navigate past several houses with unruly dogs before crossing back over to her own house. No way in hell she was going to avoid kicking Mr.Pinkerston  or his damn mini pin if either of them bothered her today. She wasn't in the mood.

That left the final choice. go around the end of the large branch that still seemed to somehow be connected to the tree. That would put her in the position to need to step over the low decorative fence and then she'd have to circle the tree to the side gate hidden by the overgrown bushes delineating the property lines.  That Gate would lead her right into Chris' back yard.  

Chris.... Tall, pale, lean, handsome Chris.   Agnes' heart and breathing both speed up.  She hadn't seen Chris since well the last time she'd SEEN HIM.  Standing naked, bathed in moonlight in his back yard. 

He hadn’t been doing anything...well walking those beast he called dogs, but he'd been completely, gloriously naked.
And she'd been entranced. So much so that she had no clue how long she'd been staring down at him, categorizing every inch of his creamy skin and heavy sex.  Had no clue what alerted her to the fact that he was staring right back at her. A small half smile hitching the left side of his mouth.

Taking another deep breath Agnes squared her shoulders, decision made. A glance at her watch bolstered her confidence.  Chris would still be away for at least another hour, no danger of running into him or the dogs if she took the short cut through his back yard to hers.

No sooner than she stepped through the boxwood bushes to push open the tall gate did she regret her choice. Well she would have, if she hadn't been knocked out cold.